Raquel Perez Nolla
Coach, Trainer and Founder of “Culture of Excellent Service"
Leader in the management of loyalty and innovation in the customer experience in Spain.
Raquel Perez Nolla
Coach, Trainer and Founder of “Culture of Excellent Service"
I have spent the past fifteen years in multinational organisations in different sectors, performing various roles on a global level, at laboratories such as Lacer and Bayer, or companies dedicated to industrial gases such as Air Products or Carburos Metálicos, in areas such as Continuous Improvement, Customer Experience, and Learning and Development. This experience has allowed me to get to know many people and deal with many different teams, cultures and personalities.
Currently collaborating with Chris Daffy and the Academy of Service Excellence, in England.
I studied Marketing and Public Relations Management, and after going on various courses relating to Training and Communication, I completed a Masters in Coaching, where I specialized in both Corporate and Life Coaching.
I am focussed on Customer Experience, and the development of teams that will be able to deliver excellence to the customer. Excellent customer service is something that all companies pursue. Nowadays however, meeting customer expectations is not enough.
In order to be the client’s choice, we must offer them an excellent service, and this entails each and every one of the organisation’s departments achieving excellence. This is the only way we will be able to secure Customer Loyalty, and this Loyalty is a reality we should all be working for. Loyal customers recommend us to others, forgive us when things go wrong, defend us when somebody attacks us, are prepared to invest more in us, are easier to serve…
For this reason, a very important part of this process is caring for our employees in the same way we wish them to care for our customers. In order to deliver an excellent experience to our customers, I believe that a happy work environment is essential, where people feel satisfied and can develop their talents and creativity. We must create the best environment possible, where our employees want to come to work and where they feel proud and happy.
We must make our company excellent to work in, and also to do business with, so that our employees, as well as customers, recommend us.
To achieve this is easier than we believe, if we know how.
We Are
We believe in our customers’ talents and possibilities. We are proud and convinced when it comes to the work we carry out, we inspire trust.
Our partner
Chris Daffy
The Academy of Service Excellence was founded in the year 2000 by our partner, Chris Daffy, famous for being one of the international leaders in the area of Service Excellence, Experience Management, and the use of Service as a Business Strategy. He is the creator of the concepts and methodologies that we present in Culture of Excellent Services.
Chris Daffy has a long background in Management, Sales, Marketing and Customer Service, the area in which he decided to specialise exclusively. Following a lot of research and studies, he developed methods for changing the way businesses handle and interact with their customers. He and his collaborating experts show us how to mange the experience we offer our customers and employees. With more than twenty years experience in this field, he has worked with some of the world’s most important leading organisations in their sectors.
About Chris. www.chrisdaffy.com